06 September 2012

Natural way to increase chest | Push Up exercises Steps

                 If you want a great chest by summertime my advice to you would be to pick two of these natural exercises

            A strong chest is a big advantage in sports. Setting picks in hoops, pushing off in football. Extra muscle packed onto your upper body also protects you against errant elbows and intentional punches. Build a bigger chest and you'll dominate.

Push ups


               The push up is an excellent exercise for working the chest muscles. Also because of the position you have to maintain to do this exercise correctly, it also works the core, abdominal s, legs and back. Different variations of the push up will further challenge the same muscle groups.

Push Up Steps
Step 1:
Start on your knees.
Step 2:
Place both hands on the floor in front of you, shoulder width apart.
Step 3:
Wrists and elbows should be in line with the chest
Step 4:
Fingers facing forward lift off your knees so your body is in a straight line and supported only by your hands and feet.
Step 5:
Pull in the abdominal s tight and keep the pelvis straight.
Step 6:
Maintain a straight back throughout the exercise.
Step 7:
Bend at the elbows to lower the body towards the floor until the upper arms are parallel to the floor.
Step 8:
Chest should be around 10cm off the floor.
Step 9:
Pause briefly then push back to the start position by extending the elbows.

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Natural Chest Exercises
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Push Up Steps
Push Up exercises Steps

31 August 2012

How to increase height | how to improve height

                               For people of short stature who desire to increase their height, there are some simple exercises they can perform. As people age, the body naturally loses height, and poor posture contributes to a decreased, physical height. Breathing, stretching and specific postural exercises will all help to reach the maximum height potential.

            One of the popular exercises to increase height. Jumping increases blood supply as well as exerts additional pressure on the long bones of the body to grow in length and mass

Cobra Pose

              Lie down flat on the floor with your chest facing down. Keeping your upper body still, lift your upper body and try to stretch as much as possible (like a cobra). Hold for 15-20 seconds. This is a very powerful exercise to stretch the upper body.
Yoga exercises to increase height
                  Yoga is a very old regimen from India that promotes personal health, spirituality and wellness. It has demonstrated to help many people to stay in shape while simultaneously assisting them to live a healthy lifestyle. And when it comes to yoga and height increase, doing yoga does not increase one height, unless you're still in your growth phase. Rather, it helps to stretch and elongate your spine, thus creates space and develops your spinal muscles.

Hanging exercises

               Hanging exercises can be done by everyone. Initially it might be tough but with time you will be able to master it. It is really simple - hanging on a bar with your arms and spine stretching for 10 seconds will give you amazing results. Do this for 2 minutes everyday (10 seconds x 12 times) and you'll know the magic it can do.

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30 August 2012

How to Gain Weight | How to increase weight

      The basic principle of weight gain is very simple you need to consume more calories than you expend. Follow these tips

Eat at regularly scheduled times
            Whatever meal schedule you choose, it should be regular: pretty much the same from day to day. Eating at different times on the weekend compared to weekdays is no problem, but no prescription for calamitous weight gain is so reliable as a chaotic, unpredictable meal schedule.

Eat more

                   Have additional snacks throughout the day, preferably every two to three hours and in between larger meals. Make the snacks high-calorie but healthy choices, such as a handful of nuts, an avocado and cheese sandwich, or a baked potato with cream.

Energy Fluids
           Milk, energy drinks and juices should be added to your diet. These foods are high in sugars and therefore release a lot of calories. Drink at least one glass of each during the day.

           Creative supplements can help some athletes gain weight but the reason is still not very clear and needs more research. Creative supplements are available at all major health food stores, but do not take it without consulting your doctor.


            Start exercising. Exercise opens up the appetite, so you'll end up consuming more calories. Instead of focusing on high intensity, fat-burning cardio, start a weight training program. For muscle mass gain, concentrate on doing few repetitions with heavy weights. Muscle gain will not show up immediately on the scale, but muscles that are worked regularly swell up, giving the impression of a fuller body.

     The best way to gain weight easily and safely is to work out and eat food anytime after 8:00 pm. The reason your body is relaxed at this point so your body does not burn off the calories which cause weight gain. 

Good sleeping
                Make sure to get at least seven hours of sleep each night to reduce stomach fat fast. Getting enough sleep is one of the best ways to increase your weight.

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03 February 2012

The best belly fat reduce exercises| Belly fat reduce exercises |fast reduce belly fat reduce exercises

              The best exercises to lose belly fat aren’t going to be a bunch of Abdominal Exercises, Air cycling exercises, Sit Ups, Trunk rotations, Reverse Abdominal Crunches.  But it’s going to be the really tough exercises that make fat burn and muscle grow.

Abdominal Exercises
Abdominal exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and abdominal machines are actually the least effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises really work in a minute.
Lie face up on the floor. Bend your knees, place feet flat on the ground and pointing straight ahead, place your hands behind your ears. Tuck chin and crunch upper body up and shoulders off the ground, as far as your appropriate strength level. Slowly lower to the start position.

Air cycling exercises
One should lie on the ground with fairly thin layer of clothing with eyes looking up at the skies. The hands should be tightly stuck to the ground such that the palms are facing the ground or it can be placed behind the head. The legs should be raised with knees bent to a moderate extent in the air. With slow and steady balance, the cycling movements should be done in the air continuously for a period of two minutes. In any circumstances, the hands should not be taken up which diverts the tension imparted at abdominal region to shoulder and arm regions. Three sets of this exercise per day will prove enough to increase the tenacity of abdominal muscles to expand downwards.

Sit Ups
The sit-ups are a quick way to get stronger abdominal muscles. However, they must be done properly to avoid any injury to your spine and the neck and head muscles. In addition, sit-ups are about using the abdominal region .Therefore, close attention must be paid to ensuring that you are not compensating by using other parts of your body to perform sit-ups, as this will diminish the effectiveness of the sit-up and may cause injury to your body

Trunk rotations
The supine trunk-rotation stretch is a good releasing exercise to help improve your ability to complete a stress-free backswing and follow-through in golf. If you have limitations in your spine rotation flexibility (in one or both directions), this exercise can help you gain flexibility in the proper region of your spine and enable a better turn.

Reverse Abdominal Crunches
 Lie on the floor on a mat on your back. Place your arms by your sides with your feet up and your thighs perpendicular to the floor. Using your lower abs, bring your knees to your chest while simultaneously tucking your chin to your chest. Return slowly to the starting position and repeat.

Positive visualization
Don’t just rely on the pictures in your mind of results you’d like to achieve from the exercises for the abdomen you perform. Right next to your record of progress hang posters up displaying tips of how to lose weight. Many people also find it helpful to hang up posters containing models with the body they are trying to obtain.
Get to know others that have similar interests and goals – Working out with a friend that is trying to achieve the same goals you are is often a great motivation factor. Sharing new ideas or tips with one another regarding exercises for the abdomen can be extremely motivational.

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30 January 2012

How to reduce belly fat quickly at home | how to Lose Belly fat fast| how to reduce belly fat naturally| how to reduce belly fat exercise

        If you want reduce your belly fat at home itself follow this five steps. The Lose Belly Fat Program is a free program.

Stop Doing Crunches
Crunches will strengthen your stomach muscles, but won't burn the belly fat that covers your abs. Spot reduction is a myth. You're wasting time & effort doing 200 daily crunches. Crunches can also cause lower back pain, slouching shoulders & forward head posture. The Reverse Crunch doesn't cause these problems, but again: spot reduction is a myth. To lose your belly fat, you need more. Keep reading.

Eat Less Crabs
 You need crabs for energy. Problem is that most people eat way more crabs than they need. Your body will stock the crabs it doesn't need as fat. And this is often how you get belly fat. Unless you're a skinny guy who needs to gain weight, lower your crab intake. Keep eating fruits & veggies with each meal. But cut back on potatoes, pasta, rice, breads Eat these post workout only.

Small meals
Eat small meals often throughout day to burn the fat off your stomach fast. Most meals should include protein and vegetables. Eating protein reduces cravings and hunger pangs too. However, don't overdo eating protein eat until you feel satisfied.

Drink cold water

Drink cold water a half an hour before eating. Cold water raises metabolism and helps food digest more effectively, which will help you reduce stomach fat faster. Drink one to two tablespoons of virgin olive oil or eat a few nuts before meals.

Have a sleep
Make sure to get at least seven hours of sleep each night to reduce stomach fat fast. Getting enough sleep is one of the best ways to fight stress-induced cortisol levels and reduce stomach fat fast. If you have a hard time sleeping, try and meditate before bed time. Meditation puts most people to sleep right away. There are also many supplements at your neighbourhood health store that can help you sleep.

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10 January 2012

weight loss home exercises | weight loss exercises | Natural Weight Loss Exercises

           There are many advantages to doing bodyweight exercises if your goal is weight loss or if you want to strengthen and tone your muscles
  • Running burns more calories in less time than almost any other continuous exercise.
  • A regular running or walking program lowers your risk of life-threatening maladies such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
  • Walking is a low-impact exercise that produces less stress on the knees and joints than many other activities do.
  • Both walking and running produce endorphins, brain chemicals that make you feel happy and confident.
  • Both are social activities—you can run or walk with a friend, your kids, or even strangers in a race

Jumping rope
                                    One of the most important ways that jumping rope can be used is as a means to achieve weight loss. Before we begin to discover how jumping rope can help you lose weight, it is important to learn how weight loss works. There are 3500 calories in one pound--and therefore, in order to lose one pound of weight per week, you must eliminate 700 calories each day. This can be done in a variety of ways. A person can either try to cut all of these calories out from their diet, they can try to burn off all of the calories through exercise, or they can use some combination of both of these methods. Research has found that people who lose weight and keep it off typically use diet and exercise in order to reach their weight loss goals. Jumping rope for 30 minutes will produce a caloric burn of approximately 300 calories--and therefore, in order to lose one pound per week, you must jump rope for thirty minutes every day and cut out 400 calories from your diet. While this may seem intimidating, it will promote the greatest amount of weight loss in the healthiest manner possible

             Lunges also work the thighs and you won't find a better exercise to tighten your gluts (bottom).
Because lunges exercise one leg at a time, they can be quite difficult at the start, but if you persist with them your strength will improve very quickly and you'll find them a lot easier to perform.
To perform lunges, stand with feet together and hands by your side. Now take a step forward with one foot and then lower your back knee to the floor before raising it up again and stepping back into your original position in one smooth motion.
Alternate your feet, one right, one left, one right, etc, as you perform as many repetitions as possible.

As with the squats, it's a good idea to pick a spot on the wall to look at throughout the exercise and always make sure your knees are in line with your feet.

Push ups
                   Push-ups have been largely related with burning calories by increasing metabolism and building muscle mass. By doing so, this activity prevents the body from accumulating unwanted fat and thus, helps in weight loss. As a result, push-ups assist in maintaining a trim and healthy physique.

Body weight Squats
                     The body-weight squat is the best body-weight exercise for fat burning, as it engages a large number of muscles. The body-weight squat engages 10 distinct muscle groups, including your back, legs, abdominals and gluts. Weightlifting website Muscle Prodigy calls the squat the top fat-loss exercise, as it engages large muscle groups that can increase post-exercise calorie burning.


               Swimming burns calories, so helps you lose weight and swimming for weight loss has been regularly praised for its cardiovascular health benefits, especially for older people.
As swimming uses so many muscles in your body, your heart and lungs must work hard to supply them all with oxygen. This means that swimming will give your cardiovascular system an excellent workout.

               Your body is an ingenious creation that tries to protect you at all times. Because body fat is a part of the weight being lifted but does not provide any assistance when you are doing bodyweight exercises your body’s metabolism will make sure you lose fat to make the exercises easier and less likely to injure you next time. This is the opposite of weight training which uses an inanimate weight as the resistance and therefore does not require fat loss to prevent injury.

                             Performing step up exercises, you need a step platform or a step box that is 4-12 inches high. This is the basic step up exercise equipment. If you don't have one, then you can use stairs or a very sturdy box to meet the purpose. Choose any of these suggestions to perform step up exercises. Let's learn how to do step up exercises by assuming a step box as a platform. Stand straight at a distance of about 5-6 inches from the step box. Place both your hands on the sides. Lift your right leg and place it on the step box. Now, lift your left leg and place it on the step box. Allow this position of the legs on the platform only for a second. Bring your right foot back on the floor. Immediately, move your left foot back on the floor. Again, do not allow the placement of both the legs together on the floor to exceed a second. Perform these steps rapidly


                      You will lose fat and burn calories by increasing heart rate, helping to achieve your weight loss goals. Cheap and pollution free, cycling burns calories, and you’ll lose weight.

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Natural Weight Loss Exercises

05 January 2012

How To Lose Weight |how to reduce weight quickly|how to reduce weight fast |weight loss tips

        How to lose weight fast you can discover an easy way to the following naturally weight lose tips and the Weight Loss Exercise Program

Eat 6 Small Meals per Day
         Here are meal ideas to help you lose weight. We've also been kind enough to provide you with three main meals of the day
Focus on Eating Less Carbohydrates
                  Low Carbohydrates foods are foods with relatively low sugar content. One of the most common diets, the low Carbohydrates diet, is largely discussed in many states. Menus and stores around the world offer specific low Carbohydrates foods. Perhaps this is one reason why the average person decides to reduce his weight through the low Carbohydrates diet.
Eat lower glycemic carbohydrates,
                 Low GI carbohydrates: breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates is slow resulting in a slower and gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream. Some of the low GI carbohydrates are wheat flour, brown and basmati rice, lentils, kidney beans, all vegetables that contain fiber, etc.
Limit treats containing sugar to three times per week.
        This includes chocolate, ice cream, desserts, cake, pastries, cookies, etc.
       Focus on building muscle with weights and trade long boring cardio for short, high intensity cardio
Cut out liquid calories
              Soda, Juice, etc. (Stick to water and unsweetened tea)
Record Everything
             Every day, take weight measurements and pictures of yourself in the mirror
Don’t make dieting a big deal
                   Make it easy and fun.

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